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A project straight from the heart in every re­spect.

Our lux­u­ri­ous wo­ven items/pieces   are hand-made in the Co­mu­nità San Pa­trig­nano in Emil­ia-Ro­magna. Thread for thread, with fine pre­ci­sion.

The Co­mu­ni­ta San Pa­trig­nano, a vil­lage where up to 2,500 for­mer drug ad­dicts live, is the largest drug re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion cen­tre in Eu­rope. Here, peo­ple get a chance for a ca­reer and a drug-free life with a fu­ture. Any­one who meets the re­quire­ments for ad­mis­sion lives in San Pa­trig­nano free of charge.

The cen­tre is recog­nised by the State as a vo­ca­tion­al train­ing cen­tre al­so teach­ing the craft of weav­ing. Well-known com­pa­nies such as Zeg­na, for ex­am­ple, make use of the su­perb fab­rics of San Pa­trig­nano.

Del­phine has spent a lot of time with the young peo­ple who live and work in the Co­mu­nità. Their fates and sto­ries have deeply touched her. 

The crafts­man­ship and the per­fect qual­i­ty of the weav­ing are im­pres­sive.

>> more about San Pa­trig­nano