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Mai­son Del­phine stands for knitwear col­lec­tions 

of a very spe­cial kind.

Man­u­fac­tured in a small fam­i­ly-run work­shop in North­ern Italy with ut­most ded­i­ca­tion, flair, ex­pe­ri­ence, and knowl­edge of every minute de­tail. Each piece is craft­ed us­ing tra­di­tion­al hand-knit­ting ma­chines or is pure­ly hand knit­ted.

On­ly high qual­i­ty nat­ur­al fi­bres are processed in lux­u­ry qual­i­ty. Cash­mere, silk or even the ul­tra­fine vicuña. We source them from the best spin­ning mills in Italy.

Un­par­al­leled work­man­ship and so­phis­ti­cat­ed yarns com­bine to bring alive your own per­son­al favourite piece.

Del­phine Brack-Wolfer is the woman be­hind the idea and con­cept of Mai­son Del­phine. The trained busi­ness econ­o­mist has re­al­ized a dream with Mai­son Del­phine and turned her pas­sion in­to a pro­fes­sion. Af­ter an in­ten­sive build­ing phase, af­ter many trips and con­ver­sa­tions with count­less peo­ple, she has found what she was look­ing for.

Del­phine Brack-Wolfer ad­vis­es you per­son­al­ly.